Hawaii Foodbank Senior Box Distribution Project

Thank you to the eager 20 Foodbank volunteers who participated in the Hawaii Foodbank Senior Box distribution project which was held at the Mapunapuna warehouse.  Although we were scheduled from 8am – 12 pm, we finished in record time under 3 hours.  Unfortunately, we had to wait a little while for the pizzas to arrive and some had to leave.
It was good to see Cynthia Higa, new Optimist Club member enjoying herself and getting out of the house.
It looks like other volunteers were ready to get out and do something for a change as several former Junior Optimists Crystal and Gianna and former JOC parents Virginia, Debbie and Tomoko also supported the Foodbank project.  Guess who is under each mask!  So nice to see old friends.  Haven’t seen them in years!
Special thanks goes to Coach Kyle and his wife Angie for coordinating the volunteers from the McKinley baseball team.  Their muscle came in very handy.
And special special thanks to Optimists Steve and Gail for picking up the pizzas.  Mahalo!